Engineering inspired by nature’s process of perfection 

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It takes a unique vision to start a revolution using biomimicry. But that's exactly the premise on which Biome Renewables was established.


Founder Ryan Church and his trailblazing team have applied biomimetic design to bring Biome's signature PowerCone wind power optimization technology from nature-inspired concept to market-ready pilot project.


Along the way, they've leveraged relentless innovation, steadfast scientific integrity, multi-disciplinary collaboration and astute business planning.


The result?


A truly unique and de-risked clean energy product, world-class partners, a global and motivated market, and a resilient business plan value-aligned with today's cleantech investment community.


Biomimetic Design Philosophy

We look to the natural world for inspiration in solving real renewable energy problems. Innovative design inspired by nature is who we are. 


Triple Bottom Line Focus

In driving innovation and development, Biome seeks to increase renewable energy adoption globally and to make a measurable contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 7, 8, and 13, thus maintaining a triple-bottom line focus.


Symbiotic Value

We seek to create best-in-class products that create economic value and contribute to environmental and social well being.


Industry Associations


Awards / Accelerators

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